The Sue Gray Report of the 10 Downing St shenanigans: Part One

I want to talk about the Sue Gray report. Why? Because the findings are worse that you can imagine. Like can’t organise a piss up at a brewery, worse.


So for the people that no idea about what I’m talking about; 1.) You are very blessed, 2.) I’ll explain this clown car of a document.

  • Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, aka Boris Johnson, is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  • Covering from March 2020 to December 2021, the United Kingdom entered several national lockdowns and restrictions, in response to fighting COVID-19; under Johnson’s Conservative (Tory) government.
  • The report is written by Sue Gray, the Second Permanent Secretary in the Cabinet Office.
  • The report details some of the alleged behaviour, of government workers in government buildings like 10 Downing St, during COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions.

Basically, this report is about how some government officials broke the COVID-19 rules, that they actually made, while the British public followed the rules.

Sweet? Hopefully that’s clear. So….I have read the report. It’s…pretty damning, but I think it was always going to be. I’ve selected three events from the report that defy explanations, which will cover three different blogs, because…you know…I have to sleep and feed my kids.

I usually don’t talk or write about politics on my blog, but I couldn’t let this report pass, without commenting about it. In my defence, it’s the Tories.

Timeline of UK government coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions

I want to highlight just three gems of utter insanity that the Sue Gray report has revealed. This is the first one.

Part One: The Quiz

The UK second national lockdown was introduced in November 2020, with heavy restrictions concerning social distancing and Christmas parties. Basically the country was told to stay at home, with no more than two people from other households for indoor gatherings, leading up to and around Christmas.

Let’s move to 15th December 2020, because we are now boarding the hypocrisy train. I’ll let the report explain the event:

On 15 December 2020, a virtual quiz took place for No 10 staff. This was attended
by No 10 staff who were present in Downing Street and 70 Whitehall and by some
who joined from home. Alcohol and food was available in Downing Street and at
70 Whitehall, supplied and paid for by staff attending. The quiz and prize-giving
lasted approximately three and a half hours.

On 15 December 2020, the planned quiz began at around 18.00. Approximately
120-150 staff joined, some from home and others based in rooms across No 10
Downing Street and 70 Whitehall. At least 18 members of No 10 staff joined from
a large room in 70 Whitehall.

The Prime Minister joined the quiz at approximately 19.50 to read out the questions
to one of the rounds. This had been agreed in principle in advance and was
confirmed on the day. This is not unusual, he was frequently called upon by his
office to attend staff events. He remained at the event for 12 minutes before
returning to his office. There are published photographs of his participation in the

Food and alcohol was available during the quiz which was purchased by individuals
on behalf of their teams. Some teams in the office gathered close together around
laptop screens.

Some staff drank alcohol. A No 10 official sent a message on internal No 10
systems referring to drunkenness and advising staff to leave No 10 via the back
exit. The No 10 official informed the investigation team that they did this in order to
avoid staff being photographed by the press outside.

The quiz finished at approximately 21.30. Most of those in the office in No 10 either
left or returned to work after the quiz with some remaining continuing to chat and
some drank alcohol.

So while the United Kingdom was under lockdown, and the NHS (National Health Service) was hemorrhaging because of the work load, 10 Downing St had a quiz night. My questions about this ludicrous work event are as follows:

  • Did Jacob Rees-Mogg compete in the quiz? What was his score?
  • What round of questions did Boris Johnson ask? ie professional ethnics or some other make believe topic?
  • What were the team names? Seriously, I would love to know, because I hope they were funny.
  • When competing against at least 120 other Tories, what idiot(s) achieved the lowest score?
  • If you attended this quiz, wouldn’t that make YOU the loser?
  • Imagine receiving a message from a work colleague, explaining about an upcoming social event; where if you get drunk, you need to leave via the back exit. The reason is because the media would be waiting at the front door. To me, that’s a damn big red flag, telling you to stay away. Just like a man that brings his mother on a Tinder date to meet you.

I love quiz nights, so there’s no shame in losing one; except actually attending this one.

While the British public were at home, doing the right thing in the Christmas season, by social distancing; the Tories were having a quiz night at 10 Downing St. Elitism, arrogance, conceited or law breakers; the choice is yours for the best way to describe this detestable behaviour.

If you haven’t read the report for yourself, the link for it is below.

The Sue Gray Report

Anyway, Part Two will come out on Thursday. Until then, thanks for reading, wash your hands and I’ll see you on Thursday.