Some Geek Told Me

I want to talk about my blog, so that’s quite exciting, at least for me. I’ve been thinking (which under the influence of alcohol, never ends well) about the current state of what the late great Carl Sagan would call, “the Pale Blue Dot” and my place in it.

I enjoy learning about many different topics and some more than others. It could be said I have a passion for these topics, though that could up for discussion. So, this blog is a way for me to discuss ideas, concepts or topics that I’m passion about or what I find very interesting. By doing this, maybe I can inject a little bit of positivity, knowledge and entertainment into the world. Maybe.

Now let’s be honest with each other…I’m a geek. A nerd. A dork and maybe a whole army of other names I could label myself, but geek is probably is the most accurate and realistic. So, what geeky things will I talk about?

I want to showcase and discuss some of my personal heroes and icons, people that I think have made a positive impact on me; but also shaped and changed the world for the better. Remember, I did say I’m a geek. However, I do want to also highlight people or groups that have had the opposite effect; the Ku Klux Klan, I’m looking at you.

Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astrophysics, Astronomy and Geology are some of the areas of science I want to babble about.

Other areas include Current World Events, Literature, Art, Music, Politics, History, Geography, Sport, Religion, things that need correcting 1, and anything else I feel quite interested in. This of course brings us to the last section: pop culture. This covers books, movies, television shows and comic books.2

Whatever lens or perspective that you view the world through; whether it’s straight or gay, black or white, male or female, young or old, left wing or right wing, Salt and Vinegar or Sour Cream and Chives3, and everything in between; I want anybody to be able to read this blog and come away thinking “Reading the incoherent ramblings of this introverted geek, has made my day a little bit happier.”

I’ll try to post once a week, because I have a full time job, plus I live with my two unmatured clones. Please feel free to ask questions or leave a comment; that way I know someone other than myself is reading this blog!

1 Things that need correcting cover misconceptions and conspiracy theories. This section will be a lot of fun!

2 Fans of manga, don’t panic; I have not forgotten about you.

3 Sorry, I lied about this statement. If you’re a fan of Sour Cream and Chives, I fear my tolerance towards you could be used up. Maybe.


All Father aka Daddy
(2015 – present)
I started this job with the birth of UMC1 in 2015, then upskilling in 2018 with UMC2. During this period, I have reflected upon the nature of time; or correctly the lack of time to do anything. What did I do with my free time before children?!

Converting Oxygen into Carbon Dioxide
(Antiquity – present)
I worked extremely hard in mastering this ability, because I have been doing this unaided since I was a baby. I am a massive fan of breathing oxygen and I practice this ability every day.

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