Geek Fashion: Socks Edition

I want to talk about fashion again. Why? Currently in the Southern Hemisphere, we are nearly at the middle of Autumn. We are slowly trading in our shorts and skirts, for trousers and long dresses, because of how crazy Autumn can be here. 4°C in the morning, 20°C at lunch time, and 10°C in the evening. You almost need to walk around with a portable wardrobe, because of the weather changes.

Autumn does give you the chance to reassess your sock situation. You can’t spend all your time walking about in jandals anymore, unless you want your toes to turn blue, then black. That being the case, you need to start wearing a lot more socks.

I love socks. Seriously, I love them. This has led me to examine my sock collection, because every good geek needs a good pair of socks. So may I present for your reading pleasure, another fashion blog that nobody has asked for, written by a simple geeky father, with some outstanding fashion sense.

Image by Lena Helfinger from Pixabay

Socks for a Geek

Active wear socks

For some extremely stupid and illogical reason, I like the term active wear. You don’t actually need to be active to wear active wear, just wearing them is enough. So why do I have some fantastic ankle length socks? The answer is so amazing and completely not boring, that it requires two parts.

The first part is that I wear these bad boys to work, and if I’m being honest, I wear these types of socks a lot. They’re snug, affordable and can come in different colours, like white, black or grey. I know, it’s mental isn’t it?

Also, I’m such a geeky bad arse, that I wear these socks as mismatched pairs. I could be walking about wearing a black sock with blue stripes on one foot, but a white sock with red stripes on the other. And because my trousers hide the socks, nobody knows; except when I wear shorts to work, so then it looks like UMC2 had dressed me. The universe has not broken down over the insanity of me wearing mismatched socks. Yet.

I need to point something out as well. I enjoy running, though a better way to describe is that I suffer running. Though to be fair, running is a strong word, it’s more like moving my legs slightly faster than walking.

As a geek, it’s extremely important to try and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which I generally fail at. However, the silver lining in this terrible looking Nimbostratus cloud, is that my active wear socks are perfect for running. I even run with mismatched socks, because as Aerosmith said, I’m all about Livin’ on the edge.

Sadly I do seem to wear through these socks quickly. I could lie and say it’s because I’m so fast; but it’s more to do that I’m constantly washing them, and the fact I purchase the cheapest option, because I have to save money in order to buy more books about things that are not real. I’m such a stable genius.

Social socks

I’m a self diagnosed loud introvert. This means that the rare times I’m actually at a social event, like a meeting; professional developmental course; party; or with my extended family; I’m going to be reserved.

The Mandalorian collection

However, once someone starts discussing an interesting topic with me, well…my excitement levels will slowly start rising. Then you’re going to have to find a way to shut me up. This is because during these awkward social interactions, I’ll be wearing my social socks to boost my confidence and promote pop culture.

2/3 of the Batman collection

These socks include:

  • Hotdogs
  • Fries
  • Milkshakes
  • Turtles
  • Spider-Man
  • All Blacks
  • 3 x pairs of Batman socks (I don’t have enough of these)
  • 2 x pairs of Mandalorian socks
  • Superman with a small cape on the back
  • and finally, the pièce de résistance, my toe socks

1/3 of the Batman collection, along with the Turtle collection

The majority of these socks have been gifts to me of one type or another, but the toe socks I purchased for myself. I think that even if Morgoth, the First Enemy, had to choose between the Silmarils and toe socks; or Darkseid, choosing between the Anti-Life Equation and toe socks, they would both buckle and choose toe socks.

2/3 of my Fast Food collection

If I go to the cinema, I may wear one Batman sock, along with one Spider-Man sock. My wife calls me hopeless, when this happens; but she doesn’t understand the amount of time and dedication it takes to have this level of geek commitment.

This is the Clark and Peter collection

I also smile secretly, whenever I get to talk to anybody, while I’m wearing the Superman socks. During the conversation, I’m usually distracted with the concept that the person in front of me, has no idea I’m wearing socks with capes on them. I am so hard core, even Chuck Norris would be taking a wide berth of me.

If you’re looking to invest in some new socks, give in to your geek side, and locate the baddest pair of geek socks you can find. You won’t regard it.

This brings us to the end of another action packed blog, written by a man in a daily battle with his dog, over ownership of a pillow.

Anyway, thanks for reading, I really do appreciate it. Remember stay safe, wash your hands, catch your cough, and I’ll see you next week.