150 Blog Posts About Stuff

This is my 150th blog post and I have the grey hair and stress lines to prove it. I made my first Some Geek Told Me blog post on 1st December 2020, which was born out of the desire to make the COVID-19 national lockdown count for something. 

Credit: Tenor

At the time of writing this blog post, I have amassed a staggering amount of followers and subscribers, across three platforms:

WordPress: 49 subscribers

Twitter: 17 followers

Mastodon: 85 followers

I know, it’s pretty impressive isn’t it?

To mark my 150th blog post, I thought I would share some of the subjects that I’ve discussed on Some Geek Told Me, but are also connected to 150. Sweet? Great, let’s dive into the latest blog post from New Zealand’s 5th least favourite website. 

Batman Begins had a budget of US$150 million.

Credit: Warner Bros.

One of my favourite comic book series celebrated a special milestone: Fables #150.

Credit: Vertigo Comics

The average distance from the Sun to the Earth is 150 million km, which is known as an astronomical unit (1AU).

Credit: NASA

Star Trek: First Contact is one of the best Star Trek movies, in my humble geek opinion. The 1996 film had a box office return of US$150 million.

Credit: Paramount Pictures

The atomic weight of Samarium (Sm) is 150.3.

Credit: Max Whitby

An average adult male South China tiger weighs 150 kg.

Credit: Animal Spot

Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, was first published 150 years ago, in 1873.

The Amazing Spider-Man #150 from 1975.

Credit: Marvel Comics

150 is the sum of eight consecutive primes (7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31).

At a New Zealand supermarket called Countdown, a 1.5L of Countdown Lemon, Lime & Bitters is NZ$1.50 or 150 cents.

Credit: Countdown

There are 150 seats in the House of Representatives of The Netherlands.

Credit: Husky

Can I just quickly address the herd of elephants in the room?

1.) In their infinite wisdom, New Zealanders voted in the most Conservative government in years, with a National-ACT coalition. What have we done?!

2.) Australia voted no, on the Australian Indigenous Voice referendum. What have they done?!

3.) The Israel-Hamas War is showing no signs of slowing down. What can we do?!

This ball of rock and water that we call home, can sometimes be very scary and cruel. I get it. Watching footage or reading articles about terrible events can make you feel a range of emotions including anxiety, worry, disappointment, shock, dread, sadness, fear, panic, frustration, powerlessness, loneliness, and melancholy.

I think it’s natural to have these emotions, but just be grateful you don’t feel apathy. All those previous emotions can be associated with negativity; but at least you have them. It means you care, because feeling apathy is worse.

As for feeling anger, well, to quote Rage Against the Machine:

Your anger is a gift. 

And that’s it. Thank you for reading, following, and subscribing to Some Geek Told Me. It means a lot to this geeky introvert. Maybe my writing will actually improve by the 300th blog post. Who knows?!

Please don’t forget to walk your dog, read a banned book, watch the Rugby World Cup semi-finals, and I’ll see you next week. And why you ask? Because the Tour of the Solar System is back, and the next stop is the Asteroid belt!

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