Who loves Christmas Movies?

I want to talk about Christmas movies. Why? Over the last few weeks and with Christmas less than a week away, we seem to be drowning in Christmas movies. They’re everywhere, they’re cringey, and they’re terrible, right?

Well, that’s not 100% accurate. Apart from the fact that most Christmas movies are set in the Northern Hemisphere, with winter and snow; which to someone living in the Southern Hemisphere, means it’s not a surprise that I have a problem relating to these movies.

I mean watching an inspiring Christmas movie about people finding love and having a white Christmas, when it’s 28 °C outside my house, is quite surreal. A summer Christmas is where snowmen come to die, after all. Anyway, that topic is for a future blog. Can’t wait for that one!

Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

Now let’s get back to today’s rant. Not all Christmas movies suck, some of them I actually like and in some cases, I actually love them.

I thought about what type of Christmas blog I could write about, and this was the best one; though I have been known to being wrong in the past. From time to time.

Below I have a list of 16 Christmas movies, that I have judged worthy enough to be here, based on three easy criteria.

1.) I needed to have seen the movie, whether on television, DVD or at the cinema.

2.) The movie must be some kind of Christmas story, or at least, the story is happening at Christmas. This is regardless of genre.

3.) I need to actually like or love the movie.

I will give you some warnings though; not all of these movies are typical traditional Christmas movies. Also this list contains two stories that have been adapted into four movies; A Christmas Carol with two movies and How the Grinch Stole Christmas! with two movies. These movies still fit within my criteria.

For the sake of simplicity, I have sorted them by order of chronological release, not by awesomeness. However, the final entry is very special to me.

I have included the title and a trailer with each entry, because…I’m a geek. Please enjoy.

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas (1977)

Trading Places (1983)

Die Hard (1988)

Home Alone (1990)

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

(We watch this movie with UMC1 and UMC2, every Christmas Day)

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

The Preacher’s Wife (1996)

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

Elf (2003)

Bad Santa (2003)

Love Actually (2003)

Black Nativity (2013)

Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018)

8-Bit Christmas (2021)

Welcome to the final entry, because in my very humble opinion, this is my favourite Christmas movie. I loved it then and I still love it now. Always.

Scrooged (1988)

So that’s it. What did you think of the list? Do you agree or disagree with any entries? I do realise I haven’t seen every single Christmas movie, so did I omit your favourite Christmas movies? Please let me know.

Since next Sunday is Christmas Day, I’ll be posting a short blog then, and not on the usual Monday. My aim is to spend some extra time with UMC1 and UMC2, so the blog will be smaller. I hope you understand.

Also congratulations to Argentina on winning their third FIFA World Cup. That was a batshit crazy game! Can you imagine the amount of hangovers that country is going to have?!

Anyway, thanks for following, read a banned book, walk your dog and I’ll see you on Christmas Day.